

keskiviikko 7. tammikuuta 2015

january's and workout playlist

tiistai 6. tammikuuta 2015


My wishlist for January:

I don't really have that many items to be wished do to the last post i did in here but here is, well three of them, first two are Zaini hats that looks so cute and i do wear a lot of beanies like if you knew me you would know that i feel naked without a hat on my head, especially in winter when the temperatures drop to -30 c which it is today brrrr. If you like to go take a look at the hats that Zainihats has to offer here is the direct link to their website. I will try to make more of these wishlist things if i find something that i really want. :D


Shopping trip to Oulu and Hair dye time.

I unfortunately don't have any pictures on my camera that i could put in this blog but i have some on my instagram account so you can go check them out if you want, my instagram name is juttaylianttila.

So we went to Oulu with my dad on Friday and came back on Sunday and i have to admit that i was so nervous about going there even though i have been going there for ages i just don't know why i still get nervous when i know that i am going there.
But when i got there i was really pleased that i did because i found so many clothes there, most of them were on sale and that was the main reason why we went there on the first place. I found : three jeans, one collage pants, four shirts and one shoes.
One red jeans that i was hunting of for ages costed only 10€! And so did the shoes that i bought cheap as hell and the shoes are really warm and cute.

On to the hair dye time, I dyed my hair myself because while i was in Oulu i asked how much it would cost to get my hair dyed, it was well over 100€! So i thought to hell with that, i'll do it myself and i knew already that one hair dye bottle from store costs around 10€ so i would be saving 50€/dye time.

That was pretty much about it, don't really have anything else to say but that today outside is freezing as hell, -30 celsius! I'm pretty sure my brain will freeze over when i have to take the dog for a walk. :D


perjantai 26. joulukuuta 2014

Christmas is over

So this Christmas i decided that i won't skip the gym just because it is Christmas and it did pay off since i managed to loose weight during that holiday season that everybody seems to gain weight and are desperately trying to loose that in the following months before summer. I don't understand why any holiday should be the traditional, it's not for anyone but yourself if you really think of it and i know that some may say that in Christmas is supposed to be a relaxing holiday but iv'e already said my oppinion on that.

On 24th of December we went with my dad and granddad to eat at my cousins place and they served us sushi that we could make ourselves, i on the other hand apparently ate sashimi if that is how it is written.
My cousins sons were just being themselves of a lovely little rascals :D.

The following day of that we went with my dad to eat at my granddads place, alltough my dad baked? the ham in our place and then brought it to my granddads place and i have to admit that i ate a little too much since i had the worst tummy ache afterwards, well that's Christmas for you haha.

I had for Christmas: That sweater that shows on the picture above, mittens ( from dad ), towel, candy shaped earrings, devil's fist ( problem game ) and a notepad.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year everyone!


tiistai 23. joulukuuta 2014

About my weight loss thing

I thought that it would be a good idea to write here how my weight loss thing has been going on, so i have almost reached my goal weight which i reset some time ago. I wanted to be at normal weight so i started my diet about 8 months ago and in that time i have lost 29,something kilos, i don't know what that is in lbs but there are some convention charts if you want to find out.

I just decreased my portion sizes and started to exersize or however you say it a bit more and the weight started to decrease, then i watched Abigale Kirsten's youtube video about loosing weight without the workout and that helped a lot too. Some of the tricks in that video however didn't work on me or were working too well ( lol ) so i skipped some tricks but yea it did work on me.

So now i weigh around 79,8 kg:s and i am still over weight but i am not going to stop the workouts or healthy eating's until iv'e reached my goal weight. Lastly if anyone is interested i will put here what i have been eating today ( so far atleast ). Hope this helps just a little.

2 cups of coffee
1 cup of chicken salad with goats cheese
150 ml sprite
1 protein bar

I usually eat in the evenings:

lemon yogurt
turkey salami
real lemon juice with hot water and honey ( trick from the video )

maanantai 22. joulukuuta 2014

The blogger programme

I just signed up on the blogger programme! Lets just see what happens, if i got even a few readers from there or through there i don't know how you say it. 

I've been getting ready for Christmas so i have bought just two presents :D one for my friend and one for my cousins sons. I am going to tell them that the gift fell off from Santa's slay or how ever it is said again, sorry i am from Finland so i don't know all the words but i'm trying to do my best. Anyways i would think it would be fun for the cousins sons to open one present before Santa comes and that they would remember that one better. 

This was just a quick update in here since i have to take the dog for a walk and other stuff so i hope that this page has some readers, lol. 


tiistai 16. joulukuuta 2014


En tiedä olenko edistyny sen kummemmin nyt, vähän painoa oli tullut takaisin tai sitten se kuntosalin vaaka oli näyttänyt koko ajan väärin, mutta kumminkin tuossa vasemmalla on nyt kuvaa mistä näkisi edes vähän muutosta edelliseen kuvaan minkä olen tänne itsestäni laittanut, vähän tuli taas yllätys yllätys tärähtänyt kuva kun ei saa tuota painavaa kameraa pidettyä kunnolla käsissä.

Oikeassa kuvassa on sitten ne eväät kahvikuppeja lukuunottamatta millä on tämä päivä tähän asti pitänyt pärjätä, niin ja kävin minä täällä rovaniemen pickinikissä juomassa kupin pepsi maxia kun niin jo kuntosalilla kuola valui kun ajattelinkin limsaa siinä sivussa sitten söin muutaman karkin, mutta kyllä sitä välillä pitää antaa itselleen luvan herkutellakkin vähän.

Eipä mulla tässä sen kummempaa asiaa ole kun ei minun elämässäni nyt niin ihmeitä tapahdu tällä hetkellä ja nyt kumminkin yritän alkaa vähän enemmän tänne kirjoittelemaan ettei ihan puolta vuotta menisi ettei tänne tule minkäänlaista tekstiä. Luulevat vielä että makaan jossain ojan pohjalla, mutta no hengissä ollaan :). Mikäpä sen pahan tappais ( no en mie oikeasti ole paha :D ).
